The "Official Notices of Plant Breeder's Right and the National List of Varieties» includes information about applications for Plant Breeder's Right and additions to the Norwegian Official List of Varieties, the denomination of the variety, the breeder, the Norwegian representative and any amendments to these details. The Official Notices also includes a list of varieties protected by Plant Breeder's Right in Norway. The list is normally published tree times a year; on 30/03, 30/07 and 30/11. The current issue is found on top of the list below.
The Norwegian Official List of Varieties lists the varieties which have been approved by the Norwegian Food Safety Authority for certified production in Norway. Old issues of this list, up to March 30th 2020, can be found below. The current issue of the Norwegian Official List of Varieties can be found at the web pages of the Norwegian Food Safety Authority:
Norwegian Official List of Varieties (Norwegian Food Safety Authority web pages)
The "Official Notices of Plant Breeder's Right and the National List of Varieties» includes information about applications for protection of plant varieties and additions to the National List, the denomination of the variety, the breeder, the Norwegian representative and any amendments to these details. The Official Notices also includes the list of varieties protected by Plant Breeder's Right in Norway. The list is normally published five times a year; on 30/01, 30/03, 30/05, 30/08 and 30/11.